Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 1 of 2 week liquid diet!!!!!!

Ok, so far day one hasn't been that bad. I am surprised that I don't have a whopping headache yet.

I think I am more mentally prepared for this two week bout than I thought I would be. I thought I would be running around this last week, cramming my face with favorite foods and going to my favorite restaurants. 3 months ago, this would have been true, but today, I feel good about the process. I am not craving the same types of foods I did 3 months ago.

I say this now, but by next Wednesday I think I am probably going to be on the war path!

I think this all has to do with how my surgeon set me up. Three months ago he had me start replacing one meal a day with one protein shake. Then last month it was two shakes a day, one healthy meal.

I have felt my appetite get smaller and smaller. I think what the surgeon did has prepared me well for these two weeks. I hope it has prepared me. I think as long as I keep a positive attitude I will be fine. It also helped that I did tons of research on different types of protein shakes and what flavor combos worked for other people.

So here is to, two weeks of liquid fooooooood. Let's see how I fare tomorrow, lol.

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