Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hello from Hospital!

Look at me! I am a pre-opper now!

Still at Winchester Hospital in Mass. Everyone here is wonderful.

Surgery went very well. The surgeon said I was classic textbook case and it went smooth. He could tell that I had not eaten anything during my 2 week liquid pre op because my liver was nice and shrunk! lol I also had no bleeding in my stomach.

Pain after the surgery was well...different. Found out I have many new allergies to pain meds and nausea meds. So while I was in recovery it took them a long time to figure out what I could take. Once we got that under control I felt better.

Surgery was at 1:30, I was up to my room by 6. Q stayed until a little after ten pm so he could help me get up and walk. Let me tell you...walking is the key to feeling better! I was given small amounts of water. That went smooth so I graduated to sf jello.

Carmex and Burt's bee's lip stuff has been a godsend. With the oxygen and other crap they do to get so freeking dry!

Super glad I brought big comfy pj bottoms. My legs were freezing. Morphine button equals your best friend!
I have been walking a lot. Nurses and staff are so friendly here. They all come in and clap after the first time you pee without your catheter. It was a momentous event!

Throat not sure from tubing. Never felt it go in, never felt it come out. I could not feel catheter going in or out either.

My parents and my sister came to visit yesterday. My sister was so grossed by the drain. Oh, you can't feel that either lol.

All in all it has been a really good experience here.
I am excited now to get home!

Thank you so much to everyone for the support notes and texting me...even if  send back texts that make so sense because I am hopped up on Morphinem.

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